
The passive voice

Subject and Object pronouns

When construsting a passive sentence from an active sentence with two objects, we have to pay special attention to pronouns. If the object of the active sentence is a pronoun and this pronoun is used as the subject of the passive sentence, we must change it from an object pronoun into a subject pronoun.


Type the verbs in the correct tense, in the passive.
  1. I don’t have to go to the newsstand because the paper (deliver)  to our house every day.
  2. When Kylie went to school, she (pick up)  by her parents every day.
  3. You need not clean the bathroom. It (clean/already)  by someone else.
  4. Relax! From now on everything (do)  for you.
  5. When I came home, dinner (cooked/not)  yet.
Change the active sentences into passive sentences. Use the same tense as in the active sentence.
  1. He invents silly things.
  2. I am reading a book.
  3. She has signed the contract.
  4. A car hit me.
  5. My neighbours will take care of my plants.
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
  1. He opens the door. - 
  2. We set the table. - 
  3. She pays a lot of money. - 
  4. I draw a picture. - 
  5. They wear blue shoes. - 
  6. They don't help you. - 
  7. He doesn't open the book. - 
  8. You do not write the letter. - 
  9. Does your mum pick you up? - 

Construct sentences in the impersonal passive.
  1. They think that he earns a lot of money.
  2. Visitors say that these museums have wonderful exhibits.
  3. Everybody knows that this sculpture is the artist’s greatest work.
  4. The police assume that the arrested man has robbed the bank.
  5. Experts suppose that this jewellery belonged to Cleopatra.

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