
5 Daily habits that may be slowly killing you

1. Lack of sleep
    We all need sleep in order to rest and allow our body to recover. Doctors recommend sleeping 7 to
8 hours a night, but only a few of us actually do so. This bad habit has harmful effects on the brain as researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have recently conducted an experiment on mice and were able to link between lack of sleep and permanent loss of certain brain cells. So instead of staying up scrolling on your mobile phone or binge-watching series, you’d better go get some sleep. Your brain will thank you later.

2. A poor diet
Processed and ready-to-use foods are often an easy solution after a long day of work, but their consumption is harmful to health, especially that of the brain. To develop normally and process new information properly, this organ needs nutrients and healthy fats. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods. These are rich in fructose, a product harmful to the brain.
A 2012 study published in UCLA's Journal of Physiology found that a diet high in fructose could, in the long run, damage memory and learning ability. Fructose also increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

3. Lack of or no physical activity
Not only is physical activity beneficial for your brain, but it also does wonders to the rest of your body. Exercising leads to the secretion of dopamine, also known as the hormone of happiness. This hormone is also necessary for short-term memory. This is why it is crucial for you to start moving more, even at your workplace. Start by taking the stairs from now on instead of using the elevator!

4. A poor or nonexistent social life
Having an active social life is important for you brain wellbeing. A study lead by Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School has just proven it. This study found a link between the volume of the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that is essential for decoding emotions, and social relationships.
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett says that "A larger amygdala probably allows humans to easily identify, recognize and learn the social and emotional cues emitted by others, and allows us to develop complex strategies for advancing with our lives. These findings show that the amygdala plays a vital role in social behavior."
Not having a social life is one of those bad habits that destroy the brain.  So what are you waiting for to surround yourself with friends?

5. Stress
It may be true that the modern lifestyle exposes us all to stress in one way or another. But to protect your brain, you need to find ways to cope with stress and prevent it from taking over your life. If nothing is done, stress has the ability to inhibit brain growth and change its size.
Researchers at Yale University have done a study that has shown that stress-generating events such as divorce, illness or the death of a loved one can affect the brain and lead to narrowing of that organ. They noticed a reduction in the volume of gray matter and a decrease in the ability to cope with problems. These changes in brain structure can even lead to self-destructive behaviors such as depression, overeating, or even being more prove to addiction than a normal person would be.

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